What Is The Roycroft Renaissance?
The Roycroft was a communal arts, business and crafts colony founded in East Aurora, NY in 1895 by Elbert Hubbard. It was one of several utopian societies that formed during the Arts and Crafts Movement in response to the shoddy, factory-made goods and soullessness of the Industrial Age. The Roycroft Artisans became well-known for their pottery, furniture, metalwork, and hand-printed, tooled leather books, which exemplified the principles of quality, beauty and the worthwhile life. The Roycroft closed in 1938.
Inspired by the Roycroft's principles, the Roycroft Renaissance was born in 1976, and a new community of independent artisans was established. To become a Roycroft Renaissance Artisan, an artist must submit their original artwork to a jury comprised of Master Artisans. Only artisans whose work exemplifies the following criteria are awarded the use of the RR mark:
. High quality hand-craftsmanship
. Excellence in design
. Continuing artistic growth
. Originality of expression
. Professional recognition
There are two main levels of craftsmen that earn the Roycroft name and the use of the Roycroft Renaissance mark: the Artisan Level and the Master Artisan Level.
In order to be considered at the Artisan Level, the initial process involves submitting an application, with four examples of the artists own work. Applicants also need an official recommendation from a Master Artisan. An Artisan must be juried annually, to demonstrate continued excellence and growth and maintain the right to use the mark, a mark known for its high quality. After five years, if the work is voted to be exceptional, the jury may elevate the artist to Master Artisan status.
For those who seek the Master Artisan Level, these artisans must have juried for four consecutive years and be nominated by three Master Artisans in the jury. Once someone is granted the title of Master Artisan, the artisan must re-apply every five years to keep their Master Artisan status.
Rest assured, Roycroft Artisans undergo a rigorous process to earn the right to bear the mark, ensuring that their work consistently meets the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. When you see the "RR" mark on a piece of work, you can be assured it was made by a juried Roycroft Artisan to the highest standards with "Head, Heart, and Hand."